
Ligne Roset (FR) 2020

Fila, designed for Ligne Roset, is a collection of vases characterised by two different silhouettes generating a shape that varies from every point of view.
The opening on the top of the vase suggests for a linear flower arrangement. The vases come in two sizes, in ceramics or mercury glass.

Ceramic Fila Vases by Debiasi Sandri for Ligne Roset

Sketch of Fila Vases by Debiasi Sandri for Ligne Roset

Ceramic Fila Vase by Debiasi Sandri for Ligne Roset

Mercury Glass Fila Vases by Debiasi Sandri for Ligne Roset

Ceramic and Mercury Glass Fila Vases by Debiasi Sandri for Ligne Roset

Detail of Ceramic Fila Vases by Debiasi Sandri for Ligne Roset

Ceramic Fila Vases by Debiasi Sandri for Ligne Roset

Mercury Glass fila vase by Debiasi Sandri for Ligne Roset

Detail of Ceramic Fila Vases by Debiasi Sandri for Ligne Roset

Ceramic Fila Vases by Debiasi Sandri for Ligne Roset

Ceramic Fila Vases by Debiasi Sandri for Ligne Roset


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