Collar Coffee.
Coffee set

Stelton (DK) 2016

The Collar collection, designed for Stelton, represents a contemporary take on a traditional way of brewing coffee and a bit of a balance act in trying to find the right equilibrium in between expressiveness and simplicity.
A simple cylindrical element gently tapers toward the bottom acting as some sort of a common thread throughout the whole family.
On the pots a pronounced spout confers a friendly look and feel while favouring a gently pouring method.
The solid wood handle is designed to be kept outside from the stove top area and make the pot easy to handle.
A matte finish together with brass and solid wood add a bit of warmth to the whole.

2016 Formex Formidable Design Award – Winner
2017 Wallpaper Design Award, Shortlist Best Domestic Design

Collar coffee set by Debiasi Sandri for Stelton

Concept sketch of Collar coffee set by Debiasi Sandri for Stelton

Collar coffee set by Debiasi Sandri for Stelton

Process sketch of Collar coffee set by Debiasi Sandri for Stelton

Grinder detail of Collar coffee set by Debiasi Sandri for Stelton

Collar coffee set by Debiasi Sandri for Stelton


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